Who is Psiloteric Visions?

Psiloteric Visions is a small independent art studio owned by two oddballs - Trevor & Ania. We met in 2012 at a music festival, and the rest is history. Twelve years later and we still spend way too much time together and create, create, and create some more. We are always busy and have a lot of projects going on. Whether it's building a wood shed, improving shelters and runs for our quackers, planting fruit trees or removing invasive species, we're constantly creating. Creating magical living spaces, sustainable food forest, wildlife sanctuary, safe haven for pets, friends and family - it's all a form of art. Anyone who comes here feels it. And then of course, there is the art itself.

Psiloteric Visions was born right after our return from Peru. We've spent six weeks traveling through different parts of the country, and met Madre Ayahuasca in the deep Amazonian jungle. Needless to say, nothing has been the same for either one of us since then. We've experienced a complete paradigm shift. After our return I have asked Trevor to create couple art pieces for me since he's pretty good with Photoshop. The art came out amazing right out of the box so to speak. No ramping up, no failed attempts. It just happened, naturally and beautifully. Some people saw it and wanted to buy it; however, those first few pieces were based on personal experiences and meant just for us, and so they stayed in-house. But Trevor started creating more art and the response from people has been nothing but an overwhelming flood of love and appreciation. 

About Us

Life has changed quite a bit since our trip to Amazon. I have since quit my corporate career in the tech world and re-focused on homesteading, permaculture, working with plants and plant spirit medicine, holistic approach to health and spending every free minute digging in dirt. I am also a Reiki practitioner. I have completed higher education in classical music, business intelligence and natural sciences. I am a walking conundrum as I am just as comfortable crunching vast amounts of numbers as I am with freehand art and working with energy.

Trevor is a professional dancer (not the pole kind! Lindy-hop and such), a DJ and a musician (you can find his music under Omnistolik and Psiloteric), a digital artist and an architect. You can catch him occasionally playing in the clubs in downtown Seattle. He has also built many wonderful additions to our home, and always with a touch of art and magic. He's also fallen in love with plants and permaculture principles, so we spend a lot of time outside terraforming together. 

About Charnia

We're located about half hour east from downtown Seattle, and we live on five acres of which half is old forest. It's never a boring day here. We have a creek that runs behind the house most of the year, a large pond, tons of outbuildings and tons of wildlife, and... zero flat space since we're located in a mini-valley. It is the most caddywompas land you have ever seen, but we wouldn't have it any other way. We share our life with Borys and Dimmy, two older pups who are loved and cherished very much. Borys was a fighting ring bait dog, Dimmy was found on the streets of Tacoma, half-starved to death as a two month old puppy. They have both entered their senior years so we spend as much time with them as we can. 


We also have ducks, chickens, geese, and turkeys. And an invisible barn cat named Coca. And tons of stories; it's never a boring day here. If you want to know more and have a few laughs, head over to our Charnia Homestead blog section.